Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Not this week or next week, but the week after, we have exams. First term exams were similar in format, but I have learned a bit and modified them slightly. The kids have learned a bit, too, since last time. They didn't do much in the way of preparation ahead of time first term, and the whole point of exam week was missed.

The schedule for what is due when, spread over the course of the exam week, is posted. I want them to show off what they know, what they've learned over the last twelve weeks. This time, when I gave them the sheet, they immediately began planning ahead. I can't wait to see how they do.

Nathaniel’s 2008-2009 Term Two Exam (6th grade)

Bible: Recite Psalm 119:9-16, orally or written.

Poetry/Penmanship: Write a poem by Emily Dickinson (six line minimum or two, if shorter).

Folksong Study: Sing “Goober Peas” from memory and explain its significance.

Artist Study: Describe your favorite Friedrich painting in detail and tell about it.

Literature/Writing: 1. Submit a well-written paragraph about each of three interesting figures you have studied from mythology

2. Submit a “translation” of a section of dialogue (10-12 lines) from Romeo and Juliet into modern English.

2. Submit a book report project on Kidnapped, selected from the list of ideas given to you

Reading: Read aloud a passage selected for you from one of your books

Dictation: Write a paragraph dictated to you, with excellent punctuation and spelling

Citizenship/Government: Tell about Caius Marcius Coriolanus--the positives and negatives about his leadership

History: Tell about three people or world events from George Washington’s boyhood, three people or events from his time as a soldier, and three people or events from his time as a farmer. Submit an illustration for one thing from each time period (a reproduction of a drawing from the book).

Spanish: Pass a written Spanish vocabulary quiz, based on the words we have studied so far. (75% or better)

Science: 1. Tell what you have learned from one of the chapters of Madame How.

2. Submit a complete sentence in “Analysis’ Language” and another one in English to simply explain what happened in the exploding plastic bag experiment. Submit cartoon-style diagram instructions for someone to recreate the experiment.

3. Tell three examples of complex systems in nature that would be unlikely to have “just happened.” Submit a diagram for one of them.

Church History: Submit a thorough paragraph on the ministry of Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, or John Wesley.

Handicrafts: Present one wooden sword, dagger or knife that you have completed with excellence and describe the process of creating it, as well as the design’s historical significance.

Elliana’s 2008-2009 Term Two Exam (3rd grade)

Bible: Recite Psalm 119:9-16

Poetry/Penmanship: Write, from memory, a short poem by Eugene Field or James Whitcombe Riley (or 6-8 lines of a longer one)

Folksong Study: Sing “Goober Peas” from memory and explain its significance

Artist Study: Describe your favorite Friedrich painting in detail and tell about it.

Literature/Writing: 1. Submit a paragraph describing a favorite scene from Romeo and Juliet

2. Submit a “translation” of a section of dialogue (6-8 lines) from Romeo and Juliet into modern English.

3. Submit a book report project on Wind in the Willows, selected from the list of ideas given to you.

Reading: Read aloud a passage selected for you from one of your free-reading books

History: 1. Submit a list of four kings of England that you have studied this term, making mention of several (three or more) positive or negative things about each of them.

2. Draw a series of three or more full-page pictures that illustrate the life of Richard, Duke of Normandy.

Spanish: Pass a written Spanish vocabulary quiz, based on the words we have studied so far. (75% or better)

Natural Science: Submit ten flash cards that would teach children about different animals you have studied in the Burgess Animal Book for Children. Include a drawing, identification information (things like size, coloring, features), food and habitat information for each, as well as one other interesting fact about each. Flashcards should be made on white 3x5 index cards and done neatly.

Church History: Tell about the life of St. Francis of Assisi. Also, read and explain the prayer of his that you studied.

Handicrafts: Present one dessert that you have baked, by yourself, with excellence. Submit a neatly written and complete recipe for the item on a 3x5 index card.

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