Saturday, September 6, 2008

Least Favorite Subject So Far

You would think the boy was being asked to pull his own teeth or clean his room or something, the way he sulks every time I mention our composer study. We got to it finally today, in the form of reading the first part of a short biography and then listening to a piece of music. Our composer for this term is Johann Sebastian Bach, and the first piece we are studying is "Magnificat in D."

He tolerated the reading of the biography well enough, as this first section included a juicy story of how Bach was raised by his tyrannical older brother after both of his parents died, and how he had to sneak challenging sheet music in the middle of the night and hand-copy it by the light of the moon so his brother didn't catch him with it. The kids both love a good story, so they were intrigued, especially when the evil older brother found the boy's work and confiscated it, leaving young Bach to rely on his memory.

But when I said I was going to play the music while I made lunch and I wanted them both to listen to it, he protested vigorously. He wanted to read. He wanted to nap. He wanted to crawl under a rock and not come out until the twenty-minute playing time was over.

I told him he was welcome to read, that the music wouldn't be a distraction. He disappeared into his room to read. I dragged him back out to the living room where he could hear it.

He said he wasn't against studying music, but would much rather study someone likeThousand Foot Krutch, one of his favorite bands.

I told him that I would be happy to study TFK, as soon as their music has proven to still be culturally relevant and significant after 250 years, as Bach's has. He groaned and made a fledgling attempt at rolling his eyes.

His younger sister wrinkled up her nose and cocked her head to one side in confusion, "But we will be dead by then!"

Another low groan arose from the boy, this one in response to the little sister who still doesn't catch good sarcasm.

I personally think it is a part of a well-rounded education and don't plan to back down, but my son is digging in early for a good long fight.

It will be interesting to see how long it takes for him to gain at least a grudging respect for this music and that of the other composers we will be studying.


Mister Ed T said...

Maybe you can get creative and show where these classical works show up in movies and other media, etc. If this is the only problem subject, you are doing great!

Don't give up the fight.

MB Sponski said...

Sounds like a boy to me!!! Oh too familiar. LOL! They appreciate it at some point (haven't figured out when yet...maybe by age 30????).

Loved this post!!

Anonymous said...

Hmm...sounds very familiar. Luke informed me just yesterday that music class was boring because his teacher selected baby songs for them to sing. I suggested he talk with her about the possibility of looking at some more contemporary tunes. After a bit of thought, he decided he would approach her about singing Joan Jett's "I Love Rock and Roll" and Queen's "We are the Champions". Not sure how this will go over with his teacher, but you gotta love his willingness to try -- not to mention his love for classic 80s tunes. --Laura

AmberJ said...

Maybe if he knew that now "classic" composers were under-appreciated rebels in their own time he would get on board.

Probably not, but it is worth a shot. :)